This is a horizontal 4-axis machine that was designed for the milling of 3-dimesional foam structures.
The 8' X-axis travels on a base that rests separately from the spindle structure and has a precision rotary axis driven by our 1068 rotator mounted on top of it. The X-axis also features a manually adjustable Y-axis slide, which allows for an easier setup of stock material.
The Spindle structure features a counter-weighted spindle body with a vertically traveling 6.5' Y-axis. The 4.5' spindle axis (Z) telescopes in and out of the traveling Y-axis.
Our configuration has proven useful in the industry because of its ability to accurately machine large foam models while maintaining a relatively small footprint within the workspace.
Established in 1979
Design & Fabrication of Custom Engineered Machinery
Foam Milling Machine
Foam Milling Machine 
This is a horizontal 4-axis machine that was designed for the milling of 3-dimesional foam structures.
The 8' X-axis travels on a base that rests separately from the spindle structure and has a precision rotary axis driven by our 1068 rotator mounted on top of it. The X-axis also features a manually adjustable Y-axis slide, which allows for an easier setup of stock material.
The Spindle structure features a counter-weighted spindle body with a vertically traveling 6.5' Y-axis. The 4.5' spindle axis (Z) telescopes in and out of the traveling Y-axis.
Our configuration has proven useful in the industry because of its ability to accurately machine large foam models while maintaining a relatively small footprint within the workspace.
Design & Fabrication of Custom Engineered Machinery
Established in 1979 
Custom Machinery
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